Rinsing, Cleaning and Running a Thriving Business

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Dark Light

In today’s time – where there’s no less than 10 different alternatives for every need a man could possibly have, it’s an act of courage to introduce something different. The E-commerce landscape is only growing from big to bigger, and business owners have no other way but to keep up.
In an industry where everyone’s looking to seem important and helpful – how does one possibly stand out? By solving a problem.

Recently, we caught up with Lisa Lane, the founder of Rinseroo – a brand that vouches to make the whole process of rinsing-cleaning a lot more easy and fun than ever before. Lisa candidly opened up to us about her journey as a self-taught business owner who learnt most of the nitty-gritties of setting up a thriving business front on her own ascent.

The high-spirited founder divulged upon several interesting facets of the personal and professional course of starting something you can call your own. Covering aspects like the importance of doing your own research, and having a problem-solving outlook towards what you’re trying to create – Lisa made way for an empowering discourse on the ups and downs of building your own brand. 

Read ahead to get a better insight into Lisa’s story – 

From childhood to adulthood, and everything in-between : 

I grew up in Jersey,  and was fortunate to grow up with a big family, with lot’s of opportunities to learn and grow every step of the way. 
For college, I went to Delaware university, and one of my first jobs was at a school. I worked as a pharmaceutical rep for quite some time, before making the shift to start something of my own.  

Growing up, my grandfather was one of the biggest influences on me in terms of instilling that entrepreneurial spirit at a young age. He was always trying to find better solutions, creating new things for the house on the go. I think if he was around today, he’d definitely have a lot to contribute.  It really does make a difference to have an inspiring influence like that around during one’s childhood years.
Even today, I believe a lot of my ‘inventor’ spirit comes from him. 

image – rinseroo.

Shark Tank? Shark Tank

During the time when I was working as a pharmaceutical rep, the thought of starting an E-commerce business specifically didn’t hit me. I certainly wondered about the possibility of having something of my own, but it didn’t strike me as much – the actuality of it. What I do vividly remember is watching Shark Tank (which happens to be one of my favorite shows), and thinking to myself – “Wow, this is so cool. What if I could go out there with a product of my own too?” and it was a recurring thought, throughout.

“There’s challenges, but there’s rewards, too – and most of them come in the form of learning something new each day.”

Why it’s important to seize the light, and shoot your shot :

I think what happens to a lot of people is that they think of an idea, and lot’s of them, but they just don’t happen to act on the thought. That’s where most of us miss the boat.

What I’ve seen and learnt through my own journey is that it is very important to be able to recognize that you can create something that can make a difference, something that’s like a mouse-trap, and then to devise a way to bring that mouse-trap to action. It’s very easy to lose your way in a pool full of ambiguous thoughts and ideas, and that’s exactly why it’s all the more important to capitalize on the right one, at the right time.

When you’re starting out, it’s definitely a steep climb. There’s a lot of competition, and just as much ambiguity. But what makes the real difference is to find out if you can truly create something that solves a problem, and then to do it better than anyone else out there.
Of course, it’s not as much of a piece of cake as it sounds, but once you’re through with the initial phase – it gets better. 

There’s challenges, but there’s rewards, too – and most of them come in the form of learning something new each day.

image – rinseroo.

Growing, and then Outgrowing :

When I was working as a pharmaceutical rep, and all through my formative years at college and my first job – things were really different than what they’re like now.

At 56, I have all the access I want to digital resources through the internet, but at that time this wasn’t the case at all. There was no internet, nor was there a concept of E-commerce – let alone have an understanding of how it works.

I had to put in a great deal of research, trial-and-error, and put on my risk-taking hat – to be able to make a firm start with my business. Even though now there’s an abundance of resources, the task to pick what really works for you is still just as tricky.

So you know, I did this thing. It’s going to sound hilarious, but I read this book called the Mom Inventor’s Handbook – and I read it from start to finish. I didn’t leave a single page out, and the book taught me so much about how to figure out if a product is worth selling, if it’s a mass market product, are people actually even going to be interested in buying this?

The book literally became my Bible. It answered so many questions I didn’t even know I was supposed to be asking in the first place!
What’s more, I was able to connect to my overseas manufacturer through the book, and with that one book, I was able to make it happen.

How does Rinseroo make rinsing, and cleaning more fun?

It all started at my beach house at the Jersey Shore, where there’s a large family, four dogs, and a constant barrage of guests. I’d often observe that the bathrooms were always a mess. The tubs and shower rooms were always dirty, and it was a huge hassle to clean the dogs.
I’d keep thinking – there has to be a better way to do this.
That’s when the thought struck me – there is!

The idea to create a product that simplifies the cumbersome task of cleaning and rinsing not just yourself and the surroundings, but also your pets literally came to me in the shower. That’s where and when I had my Eureka moment, and decided to bring it to fruition from then on. 

Rinseroo is a patented slip-on shower attachment hose for quick and easy shower-wall cleaning and rinsing. With it’s easy slip-on, slip-off design – it’s ideal to fit on most shower heads, spigots and faucets. What’s more is that there’s no installation required – so all you need to do is slip it on, and you’re ready and set to rinse!

image – rinseroo.

Final Outtakes : ‘Rinse’ your inhibitions away!

This always makes me go back to the point I spoke about earlier – a lot of people have ideas in their heads than the will to do what it takes to actually stand out and do something different.

A word of advice that I’d have for those with newfound businesses or those who’re planning to build one is to not resell a product. Don’t do what’s already done. The key is to come up with something that’s just slightly better – where you can have an advantage, you can protect your brand, and have something that you can actually hold and sell. 

If you’re planning to sell on Amazon, do your homework and do it well.
Don’t back off from putting in those extra hours into reading up on the old and new of the industry, and doing your fair bit of research. It only helps, and you never know where that little extra bit of information could be useful. 

At the end of the day, it’s really exciting.
It’s exciting to come up with something yourself, create it, build it, scale it. Sure, it’s a little stressful on days, but it’s fun. I’d encourage those with an idea to go ahead and put it to fruition. 

“Building something of your own and selling it too is easier than it ever was. The world is your oyster, all you need to do is know what you’re good at – and have the courage to go after it unabashedly.“

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